Monday, August 6, 2012

A commentary on the reliability of 'The Eternal Jew' poster

Source 1:

A movie poster from the movie ' The Eternal Jew'

Jews are the vermin of the human race and similarly spread disease and corruption. Unlike rats, however, the narrator continues, Jews have the uncanny ability to change their appearance and blend into their "human hosts." A scene depicts four bearded men in traditional religious Jewish clothing, then shows them shaved and in modern business suits, while the narrator explains that only a "trained eye" can distinguish their Jewish features.

Source 2: An excerpt from Mein Kempf, written by Adolf Hitler
Since the Jew is not the attacked but the attacker, not only anyone who attacks passes as his enemy, but also anyone who resists him. But the means with which he seeks to break such reckless but upright souls is not honest warfare, but lies and slander.  Here he stops at nothing, and in his vileness he becomes so gigantic that no one need be surprised if among our people the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew.

Source 3: Hitler's Willing Executioners, written by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen
The perpetrators of the anti-Jewish slaughter, Mr. Goldhagen contends, did not kill Jews because of threats or some German propensity for obeying authority. They participated in the slaughter because they were steeped in a historical culture of anti-Semitism. They tortured and massacred Jews, starved them, toyed with them, punished them for their birth, and they did so voluntarily, even eagerly, with unsurpassable malice and cruelty.

Commentary on how reliable the image of the Jew has been depicted in the poster.

I disagree to a certain extend that the image of the Jew that has been depicted in the poster being reliable. From source 1, i could infer that the author was bias against the jewish as he said "Jews are the vermin of the human race and similarly spread disease and corruption". They could meant that the author dislike Jewish and assume them to be as good as vermin. Not only that, the author also commented that Jews have the ability to change their appearance and blend into their "human hosts". This could mean that the author had an impression that Jewish are as if plastic dolls. 

However, this source could not be reliable as both sources were one sided and not supported by both pros and cons. The author of the three sources might be bias or forced to only publish the negative side of the Jews and not publishing the whole story behind the scene.

An opinion piece about Hitler's rise to power

Is the issue of money allow Hitler to rise to power?

Money makes the world go round, and in case of Germany in 1933, it allowed a certain Adolf Hitler to rise to power. I disagree with this statement as I feel that besides money issues, Hitler's own attributes allowed him to rise to power.

The Weimar government lost the support of the middle class was one of the cause that allowed Hitler to rise to power. After WWI, Germany had to pay reparations. The Weimar government printed money to pay off its debts. Therefore, this created inflation. The savings of the people became worthless overnight. Due to inflation, the country will have less revenue to improve the people's lives. When people's lives does not improve, they might start a riot against the Weimar government. When the people turned to Adolf Hitler for help, he promised the Germans to give what they want.

One of Hitler's attributes is being an excellent speaker and charismatic leader. People would listen to him for hours as if he seem to understand their problems. He told the people what they wanted to hear and promised to bring back order in Germany. By having this attribute, people will trust him and have confidence in his leadership.

Another one of Hitler's attributes is fear. He used propaganda to spread fear about communist's aims. He recruited ex-service men into a private army - Stormtroopers and committed acts of violence against communist. Since Germans did not support communist and by taking action to remove them, he won favour with the people.

Furthermore, Hitler was arrested for trying to overthrow the Weimar govenment forcefully. After his jail sentence, he realised that he could not take power by force. He decided to win power through elections. He created youth movement to win the support of the young and public meetings to recruit more new members. By winning the support of the young and new members, it will increase the number of supports. When the number of Nazis supporters increases, there is a higher chance of winning the elections.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Social Impact of Hitler's rule

It is five years into Hitler's reign of power. Wikistory sets out to discover how Hitler has changed Germany since taking office.

After Hitler's rise to power, he had several objectives that he wished to achieve. Among them were:
  • The restoration of Germany as the leading country of Europe
  • Ensuring the racial purity of the German nation 
  • Establishment of complete Nazi control over the state

While attempting to achieve his objectives, Hitler left an impact on Germany. The impact of Hitler's rule can be categorised into 3 types:
  • Political
  • Social
  • Economic
Today, we will be doing an article on social impact. Did the lives of the people improve under Hitler's leadership? What caused it? While attempting one of his objectives, Hitler used emergency laws. It does not only suspend political and civil rights, but it also arrest anyone suspected of being against the government. Therefore, those who were suspected to be against the government or the Nazis were imprisoned without being brought to the court. Courts were under the total control of the Nazis. Only Nazis or Nazi supporters could become judges. Hence, it became impossible to get a fair trial in Germany. Instead of improving Germans' lives, the Germans felt that their lives were tightly controlled by Hitler and they had their rights about freedom of speech being taken away from them.

Emergency laws- Extra powers that are given to a government to deal with serious situations, such as war or natural disasters.
Members of the SS (Schutzstaffel) parade during a rally

 Plainclothes Gestapo agents during the White Buses operations in 1945

SS(Schutzstaffel/ Elite Guard) was Hitler's personal elite personal bodyguard. The Gestapo was the secret police. They often killed all those who opposed Hitler and the Nazi Party. The Gestapo were not accountable to the court or any law. SS and Gestapo struck fear in all Germans. Germany is sometimes called a police state because of the virtually unlimited power of its police force. Therefore, people were warned not to speak out against Hitler. Those who did were put into prison by the Gestapo.

 (Joseph Goebbels)

One of Hitler's most trusted ministers was Joseph Goebbels. He was an expert in using propaganda and played an important role in spreading propaganda in Germany to gain people's support. Goebbels often used the tactic of repeating simple messages to get people to believe whatever Nazis told them. Radio stations were also bought under their controls. Germans were encouraged to buy radios which were sold cheaply. Radio loudspeakers were also installed in public and work areas. Whenever Hitler gave speeches, orders would be given for everyone to switch on their radios and listen to Führer's speech. Hitler and the Nazi party used propaganda in order to brainwash and manipulate people into thinking that the Nazi party was a good party to be in.
(One of the youth organisation)

In order to win the support of the young, youth organisation was set up. After Hitler rose to power, all other organisations were either closed or merged with the Nazi youth orgamisations. These organisations were set up for different age groups and genders. Boys attend programs of military athletics (Wehsport) that emphasised physical and millitary training while girls learnt how to be physically fit and how to take care of babies. The main aim of the organisations was to teach German youths that they should believe Nazi ideas. Youths who were not members of these organisations found it difficult to enter universities or obtain jobs.
So in order to have a smooth life journey, youths need to join the organisations to have a better education and have no difficulties in finding jobs.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Interview with Adolf Hitler

Today, we were able to get an interview with the amazing charismatic leader, Adolf Hitler, the man who managed to rise to power in a whirl wind time for tea and we had a conversation.

Hitler was said to be an excellent speaker and charismatic leader

How did Hitler rise to power in such a short time? Was the Weimar Government's weakness the only possibility how Hitler rose to power?

(Nazi Party)

“I was able to rise to power was not solely because of Weimar Government’s weakness. There are many reasons how I rose to power. Many people said that I am an excellent speaker and charismatic leader when I was leading them. Moreover, I did rack my brains to improve Nazi Party.” Hitler responded after taking a sip of tea.

“Why,” I asked Hitler, “did you try overthrowing the Weimar government forcefully which results you getting arrested?”

“Why. I did it to this extend,” Hitler leaned forward and looked at me balefully, “I did this because of my promise towards the people… I know it was such a reckless movement after receiving my jail sentence. Therefore, it made me realised that I cannot take power by force. So I decided to use legal means which is through election. And that was when I start to reorganise the party so that I could win power through elections.

(Leader of the Nazi Party)

“What,” I continued with my cross-examination, “did you do to win support of the Germans?”

“Besides creating the youth movement, public meetings to get the support of the young and attract new members, I also used propaganda to spread the fear about the communist’s aims. Thanks to the rich Germans, who gave financial support to the Nazis as they want an anti-communist government, I was able to recruit ex-service men into a private army – Stormtroopers(SA)” Hitler beamed.

(Spartacists revolutions)

"Since you had  mentioned that Weimar government is also part of the reason how you rose to power, can you specifically elaborate it?"

"The Weimar government was opposed by the Communist and the Facist. The Communist(known as the Spartacists) wanted to set up a government. They (Spartacists) also took part in several revolutions in German cities. Hence, they are opposed by the anti-communist ex-service, the Freikorps and caused frequent battles"

"The Weimar government upset the Germans by signing the Treaty of Versailles(ToV). The people found it hard to accept the terms of it because it became a symbol of Germany's humiliation and defeat. This made the new Weimar government to be extremely unpopular and there was a lot of opposition to the government," the thought of Germany's defeat made Adolf Hitler feel anger. As he expressed it by slamming his fists on the table.

"The German army claimed that they could have fought on but was stabbed
in the back by the Weimar government. As a result of Weimar government's incapability,  people lost confidence in the Weimar government and start questioning their decision-making," Adolf Hitler continued as his eyes were full of hatred.

"How about your feelings towards the Weimar government?" I prompted.

"It was utterly disappointing, of course. The weimar government had caused such humiliation to Germany by signing ToV when Germany is not at fault. And also, they made Germany weak and could not counter-attack when other countries attacked them. "

After having this interview with Mr Hitler, I realised that Mr Hitler was such a persistent person. He kept trying to win the power despite failing each time. I do agree that he's an excellent speaker and charismatic leader because he took advantages whenever there is a chance. What surprised me was that Mr Hitler was actually an anti-semitism person. He believed that Aryan superiority was being threatened particularly by the Jewish race who, he argued, were lazy and had little contribution towards the world civilisation. According to him, Jews were responsible for things that he despise including the loss of World War I (WWI). 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Biography: Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
When is he born? 20 April 1889

Where is he born? Austrian village of Braunau near German border

Hitler's conduct in school? He's a shy, moody and lonely student who is good at Art only

                                               Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

- In 1907, his application to Vienna's Academy of Fine Arts was REJECTED
- Selling postcards painted by him to earn his salary
- In 1913, Hitler moved to Germany 
- In 1914, during WWI, Hitler joined the German Army
- He battled bravely and was given 2 medals for his courage in battle
- While recuperating, he heard of armistice
- He could not accept Germany's defeat and the Erimar Government for signing TOV
- In 1920, Hitler joined German's Workers' Party and soon became it's leader
- Many members were impressed with Hitler's leadership qualities
- He was able to convince people as he's a good speaker thus many found him charismatic
- In early years, Hitler received little support from the German people
- In 1923, He tried to overthrow the government using force, but failed and was arrested
- During his trial, he made a impassioned speech and potrayed himself as a German patriot
- The judges were sympathetic and gave him a light sentence - 5 years
- Hilter overcome his early failures are rose to become one of the most powerful leaders of Germany in a whirl wind time.