Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Biography: Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)
When is he born? 20 April 1889

Where is he born? Austrian village of Braunau near German border

Hitler's conduct in school? He's a shy, moody and lonely student who is good at Art only

                                               Adolf Hitler (1889 - 1945)

- In 1907, his application to Vienna's Academy of Fine Arts was REJECTED
- Selling postcards painted by him to earn his salary
- In 1913, Hitler moved to Germany 
- In 1914, during WWI, Hitler joined the German Army
- He battled bravely and was given 2 medals for his courage in battle
- While recuperating, he heard of armistice
- He could not accept Germany's defeat and the Erimar Government for signing TOV
- In 1920, Hitler joined German's Workers' Party and soon became it's leader
- Many members were impressed with Hitler's leadership qualities
- He was able to convince people as he's a good speaker thus many found him charismatic
- In early years, Hitler received little support from the German people
- In 1923, He tried to overthrow the government using force, but failed and was arrested
- During his trial, he made a impassioned speech and potrayed himself as a German patriot
- The judges were sympathetic and gave him a light sentence - 5 years
- Hilter overcome his early failures are rose to become one of the most powerful leaders of Germany in a whirl wind time.

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