Monday, August 6, 2012

An opinion piece about Hitler's rise to power

Is the issue of money allow Hitler to rise to power?

Money makes the world go round, and in case of Germany in 1933, it allowed a certain Adolf Hitler to rise to power. I disagree with this statement as I feel that besides money issues, Hitler's own attributes allowed him to rise to power.

The Weimar government lost the support of the middle class was one of the cause that allowed Hitler to rise to power. After WWI, Germany had to pay reparations. The Weimar government printed money to pay off its debts. Therefore, this created inflation. The savings of the people became worthless overnight. Due to inflation, the country will have less revenue to improve the people's lives. When people's lives does not improve, they might start a riot against the Weimar government. When the people turned to Adolf Hitler for help, he promised the Germans to give what they want.

One of Hitler's attributes is being an excellent speaker and charismatic leader. People would listen to him for hours as if he seem to understand their problems. He told the people what they wanted to hear and promised to bring back order in Germany. By having this attribute, people will trust him and have confidence in his leadership.

Another one of Hitler's attributes is fear. He used propaganda to spread fear about communist's aims. He recruited ex-service men into a private army - Stormtroopers and committed acts of violence against communist. Since Germans did not support communist and by taking action to remove them, he won favour with the people.

Furthermore, Hitler was arrested for trying to overthrow the Weimar govenment forcefully. After his jail sentence, he realised that he could not take power by force. He decided to win power through elections. He created youth movement to win the support of the young and public meetings to recruit more new members. By winning the support of the young and new members, it will increase the number of supports. When the number of Nazis supporters increases, there is a higher chance of winning the elections.

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